Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Spring Challenge - 05 September

Today I thought about the five senses.

My sister-in-law, Nino, recently posted about her love for music and how she experiences the world through her ears much more than through her eyes. As a music-lover myself I can understand this, but  my ears are definitly not the sense I am most tuned in to.

You might all think this is obvious as I am a photographer, and surely a photographer is much more enclined to focus on the visual aspect of things. Yes, this is true... I think in pictures, but this is not the sense that I am most sensitive to.

The sense that determines whether I like or dislike food, clothes, and coffeeshops is "touch". I am a bit texture sensitive...

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful photo! (Well, actualy all of the ones you have posted are.) I like how you say that you are texture sensitive. Stephanus is also like that, and it took me quite a while to understand it. Now I find myself becoming more and more texture sensitive due to his influence.
